6 Speed for 87cgt?

kzildjian at home.com kzildjian at home.com
Wed Aug 23 19:19:41 EDT 2000

Leave it alone!!!  The Coupe GTs are one of the best geared cars ever

Kwattro at aol.com wrote:
> A crazy idea, but not improssible.  Several companies made six speed
> conversion for the VW/Audi cars - Autotech is one, and Eurospec is another.
> expect to have a mangled tranny case, but any gears you want, and expect to
> pay WAY big dollars - I believe it was over 1,000$ just to get the gear
> parts, not including somone hacking a hole in your tranny and welding a new
> piece on.  Eurospec, in it's 2.6 Quattro Coupe article in EuroCar, had done a
> six speed add-on.  Save your money, and get a tranny with different gears
> (ratios) out of another Audi, or re-gear your box to whatever you want, but
> remember that the GT was geared by Audi the way it was for a reason.  Also
> remember that I tried to do an autobox conversion on my old GT, and it's
> virtually impossible due to different floor pans.
> Later!
> Carter Johnson
> Kwattro at aol.com
> 1986 4000CS Quattro
> 1986 Coupe GT
> Later!
> Carter Johnson
> KWattro at aol.com
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Tim Meritzis         
TCM Productions 
1990 Audi CQ 20V
1984 Subaru Brat D/L 
(732) 241-2931

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