PS Pump.. rebuilds crap??? at at
Thu Aug 24 01:22:41 EDT 2000

> << PS pump is leaking at the seams (a lot!) and I am leary about
>  rebuilding it based on comments I've seen on the list.  Might be a waste
>  of time.   >>

> must have missed this.   are rebuilt ps pumps crap?

No, not necessarily.  But it may be (in the older systems) that the
pressure regulator (under the bomb) is the real culprit - not the pump.

I've just been looking at a WR ur-quattro that's gone through three
pumps in 3,500 miles.  I think the problem isn't the pump - I think
the pressure regulator isn't opening a valve when it should and the
'back pressure' up to the pump is destroying them.  There's no
pressure regulation in the pump itself - it's all external.

What happens to the pump if the external system backs pressure up?

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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