Question for you turbo...
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at
Thu Aug 24 00:44:37 EDT 2000
I see the point being made. \
Question...some Bypass valves open by vacuum and not
manifold PRESSURE. If its vacuum that opens it then
there should be little pressure in EM to overspin
turbo with. RIGHT???
--- Jukka Majanen <jiipm at> wrote:
> ><< Heya,
> > Only one point I want to make. Its not a Blow
> off
> > or Pop Off valve. They vent to atmosphere. Its a
> > recirculation or bypass valve. >>
> Hi
> Todd maybe You`re right, that Pop-off mostly means
> blow out and by-pass: blow into suction, but...
> It doesn`t matter where it blows the compressed air,
> atm or for recirculation. It can cause the same
> problem
> -charger overspeeding, that was the point.
> When the engine is loaded hard and the valve opens
> quickly, as those safety valves usually do. Meantime
> there is full pressure and flow in the turbine side,
> of
> course it will accelerate.
> Reason for this situation can, for example, be too
> tight
> setting for W/G spring or a damaged diaphgram. Now
> if there isn`t a pressure switch ( or it`s over
> rided ), the
> blow-off, or whateveronewants valve starts to
> regulate,
> without any pass by in exhaust side. After a certain
> time
> this overspeeding will cause damages.
> Also long, hard run with damaged air hose can mean
> same overspeed problems. But that is easy to hear.
> If one wants so high boost, that it`s over the
> blow-off
> valve setting, there must be lots of more
> modifications,
> than only B/O valves setting and it is a different
> story.
> My best
> j-pm -91 cq
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Todd Phenneger
83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
84' 4ktq fun but I'm sick of CIS.
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