200K Mile Check up on 875KCSQ

Grant Lenahan gfl at erols.com
Thu Aug 24 10:10:51 EDT 2000

At 11:25 AM 8/23/00 -0700, Adam Jansen wrote:
>Ok, so my baby is about to hit 200K
>I bought it 20K miles ago and have loved every minute.
>What should I do at this point, as routine maintenance and/or safety
>There were no records from previous owner, so I dont what has been done to

That's a problem.  Do you know who serviced the car so you can GET records?
The timing belt is critical, and should be done every 60k.  Its a fairly 
big job, so if it was done at 180k, you'd rather not duplicate.

I do all filters and tune up parts every 30k, brake fluid every 2 years.

>Replace Timing belt?
>Replace water pump?
>Fuel and air filters?
>replace Hydraulic fluid?

Dunno, what's wrong :-)
Grant Lenahan
glenahan at telcordia.com
gfl at erols.com
gfl at alum.MIT.edu

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