Question for you turbo experts (and WOT Injectors)

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Thu Aug 24 14:03:10 EDT 2000

In a message dated Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:38:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Todd Phenneger <tquattroguy at> writes:

<< Now, that said.  I know that being on 100% isnt the
best option.  So what is. You mentioned the single
injector controllers.  How much, where do I get info
on them, etc.  I think one more injector should make
the 275hp mark accessible.  Unfortunately, after that
point, our wonderfully efficent intake and exhaust
manifolds will need a LITTLE help.  Like complete
replacement.  :-)>>

   I am using a unit that I designed at Eurospec, if you are interested let me know privately.

<<Someone on the list WAS workign on this but I dont
know what ever happened with it.  Anyone know?  I want
runers gonig over the Valve Cover to the Driver side
with equal lengh runners to a TB over there.  Ideas??

   I would take a stock IM, chop off the top so only about 4-5" of runner remain, and then build a new manifold up top with a big 3" Throttle body.

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