FW: turbo and WOT injector
Peter Berrevoets
peterb at mysysltd.com
Thu Aug 24 19:10:56 EDT 2000
would an injector mounted in the temp sensor blank right on the EM after the
TB firing only at WOT not achieve this?
peter b
1990 200TQ
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
>> Behalf Of Buchholz, Steven
>> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 5:46 PM
>> To: quattro at audifans.com
>> Subject: RE: turbo and WOT injector
>> The one thing that I have not seen discussed here is the relative
>> distribution of air and fuel to the individual cylinders. While Audi has
>> tried to even out the flow to each with the large air reservoir in the
>> intake manifold, it remains true that at high flow rates on the WX and MC
>> engines (which have the TB mounted at one end of the reservoir and aimed
>> rearward) there will be more air flowing to the rear cylinders than the
>> front ones. Given that you have a system that provides the same
>> amount of
>> fuel to each cylinder you will naturally find that the mixture in the
>> rearmost cylinders is on the lean side, while the mixture in the front
>> cylinders will be rich. Adding pulsed injectors into each intake runner
>> could be used to address this variation, but it would require either
>> individual measurement and control of the mixture at each cylinder or a
>> compensating algorithm that would apportion more fuel to the
>> rear and less
>> to the front. The thing I've always kinda liked about the sixth
>> injector in
>> the flow is that it actually would tend to distribute the fuel
>> in a similar
>> manner to the distribution of the air. In this case we are not talking
>> about an injector mounted in the CSI location, but something in
>> the airflow.
>> I forget the manufacturer, but I've seen this sort of setup
>> installed in an
>> urquattro that had bumped up boost.
>> Steve Buchholz
>> San Jose, CA (USA)
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