(no subject)
Fred Munro
munrof at isys.ca
Thu Aug 24 20:51:38 EDT 2000
ROTFL! Thanks, Bart. Great to have you back :o)
Fred Munro
'94 S4 109k km
----- Original Message -----
From: "Unka Bart" <gatorojo at earthlink.net>
To: "Quattro List" <Quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 10:48 AM
Subject: (no subject)
> AKINRACING at aol.com, doubtless peering into my window and seeing that yer
> kindly ol' Unka Bart was, for the moment, sitting there in quiet
> contemplation; and not wearing his customary smile, promptly decided to do
> something to cheer him up.
> > From: AKINRACING at aol.com
> > Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 08:33:47 EDT
> > To: quattro at audifans.com
> >
> >
> So, being the helpful kinda guy that he is famous for being, the old
> responds in kind.
> But first, he asks (in the same courteous vein that the hapless poster so
> gratiously used in his or her plaintive cry), please give us some
> additional information. Specifically, which list of mine is it, from
> you wish to be removed? I have so many, and so little time, I couldn't
> begin to help you, otherwise.
> If you are refering to my list of posters without the ability to produce a
> message containing mixed upper- and lower-case letters, I suggest you
> examine your keyboard closely. On the far left (of the keyboard), you
> find a key that is larger than most others, with the label "Caps Lock"
> Your's seems presently, to be stuck. Freeing it (or, if it will not
> free-up, purchasing a replacement keyboard with a functioning Caps Lock
> key) will allow you to produce the desired result(s).
> If you are refering to my list of people who go around repeating
> themselves, I won't be able to help you until you take it upon yourself to
> stop. Do that, and I will promptly, happily, remove you from my list of
> those who do.
> If you are refering to my list of intelligent and highly knowledgable auto
> enthusiasts, I suggest that you promptly sell any and all Audi Quattros in
> your possession and unsubscribe from the Quattro list. That should do the
> trick nicely.
> If, however, you are refering to my list of those unable to decant a
> urine-filled boot even when instructions are printed on the heel, I regret
> that to inform you that I will not be able to help you with that until you
> either 1) see an eye-specialist and get glasses so that your can read
> those instructions (as I'm sure, given the courtesy you have shown, that
> your's is vision related problem - given that the instructions for
> unsubscribing are in the body of each message you receive from the list),
> or b) complete a course in remedial reading. Either one or the other
> should do the trick. Good luck!
> You're welcome, And thank you, for the smile!
> yer kindly ol' Unka Bart
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