S4/A4 handling

Rob Andrews randrews at austin.rr.com
Fri Aug 25 02:34:40 EDT 2000

A bit better suspension and bigger wheels.  Better tires, and it'll handle
like an S4.
Rob Andrews - Dell Home Sales Division
1800-879-3355 ext 47218 Rob_Andrews at Dell.com
randrews at austin.rr.com  ICQ # 4385114
99 A4 2.8QS... http://home.austin.rr.com/robsquattro
----- Original Message -----
From: William Safford <73760.3533 at compuserve.com>
To: <Blind.Copy.Receiver at compuserve.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 11:11 PM
Subject: S4/A4 handling

> I did some test driving today. I am shopping for a wagon, as many of you
> remember from previous posts of mine.
> I test drove a 2001 A4 1.8T, a 2001 A4 Avant 2.8, and an S4 (2000 or
> forget which). Both the A4s had sport packages. All had manual
> They're all nice cars. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. The S4, of
> was the fastest and the best handling of the bunch. It was quite refined
in its
> performance. I would love to buy an S4 Avant, but it's just
> too much money.
> The A4 2.8 is nice--decent power, smooth, civilized. The 1.8T is slower
and less
> smooth than the 2.8, but is zippier than the 2000 1.8T (170 vs. 150 HP).
> Question: what would it take to get roughly S4-level handling on an A4,
> for wider tires? I noticed that the S4 handled fast, sweeping corners with
> aplomb at speeds at which the A4s were hunting and squirming. I'm not
> in radical changes to the vehicle, e.g. no fender-scraping
> lowering kits and wildly-oversize tires.
> TIA.
> I also drove a BMW 323i wagon. It was slower than the A4 2.8 (and the S4,
> course), but it was smoother and handled better. It also felt bigger on
> inside, although it may not be in reality. The AWD wagon is due to arrive
> October, with the sedan version to arrive before it in September.
> P.S. to the List Administrator: if my messages are being held because of
> "blind copy receiver" business, I have no control over it; it is a quirk
> my ISP and comm software that I cannot change without changing (a) my ISP,
> (b) my computer.
>  --William Safford
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