One more question for you Turbo Experts.

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Fri Aug 25 10:16:28 EDT 2000

Actually there is,
  THe RS-2 is an in-between.  It has less lag than a
normal k26.
  Same with the T3/T4 haybrids out there.
OR, the Audi Motorsports racing k24 is balanced and
bluprinted and can handle way more airflow.  BUt, its
as much as an RS-2.

--- JShadzi at wrote:
> In a message dated 8/25/00 4:03:34 AM Pacific
> Daylight Time, 
> BeattyR at writes:
> << 
>  My question is... is there an inbetween size that
> would have a faster spool
>  up than the K26 but more overall boost then the
> K25... sort of a middle of
>  the road for the 2?
>   >>
>     No, not really, unless you go custom.  Frankly,
> I have an MC-2 running 
> (about 8.5:1 compression after head skimming) a K26,
> and the turbo lag is 
> minimal, I have full boost by 3K RPM.  Those with
> earlier low compression 
> MC's often ask if I have a K24 due to the lack of
> lag.  
>     In this scenario, I have the best of both-the
> low lag and the high speed 
> volume required at high RPM's.  The fact that my 80q
> is much lighter than a 
> T44 also helps.  
>     If you are looking for more of that "V8 feel",
> go with the K24, it will 
> reduce your high RPM performance, but it will pull
> virtually with little lag 
> at all.  If you like a "sportier" motor, use the K26
> and continue with better 
> high RPM performance.
> Javad
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Todd Phenneger
    83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
    84' 4ktq  fun but I'm sick of CIS.

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