Engine Mounts, 200q

Topley, Trevor TTOPLEY at TAC.Textron.com
Fri Aug 25 15:17:20 EDT 2000

Question(s) for the experts,
			At this time my exhaust manifold seems to be fine,
and I would like it to stay that way, as I do not relish the thought of
removing all those rusty bits prematurely. Since there apear to be links
between failure of manifolds and failure of motor mounts I would like to
know how to diagnose the latter. Would someone please oblige?
Also I have noticed that when the boost is dialled up to 1.9bar it holds it
in 5th( no where near 6000), but drops back to 1.7/1.8 near 6000rpm in 3rd.
I've just resolved 1 hose leak and cannot hear or sense another, am I just
seeing the turbo not keeping up with the demand for air at high rpm?
			thanks alot
					Trevor Topley

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