turbo and WOT injector

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 25 22:37:23 EDT 2000

Jorgen wrote....
> That is the nice part about the South African unit
> www.perfectpower.co.za ,
> it cost R1300, around $200, compared to $350 and up for the
> alternatives. It
> can do things that greddy, APEXi, HKS and the others only can dream
> about.
> It is really a stripped down EFI system, it can also modify the timing
> curve.

I used a system called kstar KS3-01

website www.milford.ndirect.co.uk

It allowed me to add ignition retard and control an extra injector which I
mounted in the intercooler/manifold hose. 

Expensive though and they do not like selling the hand operated programer
prefering you to go to an approved installer. However I got one.
I like the south african unit but it does not say it works with 5 cyl only
4 and 6.

Simon Holtby
'84 urq

running stock now as I want this car to last.

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