turbo and WOT injector
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 26 20:05:58 EDT 2000
Great post Gary,
Thanks for your opinions. I for one appreciate it. Curious though, with my High Compression motor I start building Boost at 2,000 RPM with a k26. BUT, its the small Exhaust k26 fromt he KH motor and it supposedly spools a bit quicker. Do you get any boost below 2,500 in say, 3rd or 4th-gear starting from 1,800 RPM??
"Kaklikian, Gary" <Gary.Kaklikian at compaq.com> wrote:
I thought it was time I enter this discussion. First, the disclaimers:
I am definitely not an expert on the 10vt
Most of the work on my car was done by an experienced Audi tuner
And, yes, I've spent more money on this damn car than I ever imagined
Gary Kaklikian
86 4kcstq
86 92 S4
> ----------
> From: Buchholz, Steven[SMTP:Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 1:07 PM
> To: 'qlist'
> Subject: RE: turbo and WOT injector
> ... it seems to me that this is precisely what we are trying to do ...
> assuming that the rear cylinders are running lean as compared to those in
> front ... remember that we are augmenting the fuel provided by the CIS ...
> this isn't a lot of extra fuel, just enough to richen up the engine when
> running under high boost ... and providing a bit more to the rearmost
> cylinders than the front ones ...
> Steve Buchholz
> San Jose, CA (USA)
> >
> > Isn't the problem reversed with the single injector? Fuel is heavier
> than
> > air and that would tend to make it richer in the rear cyl's if the fuel
> is
> > in the airstream at/near the TB.
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Todd Phenneger
83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
84' 4ktq fun but I'm sick of CIS.
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