WANTED: 200/A6 series wagon

Grant Lenahan gfl at erols.com
Sun Aug 27 11:23:19 EDT 2000


I'm looking for a 2nd car to accompany my S4.
My first choice is a very late 80s or early 90s 200 (type 44) or 100/A6 wagon.
Stick strongly preferred.
Obviously, from the age of the vehicles I'm looking at, price is a 
consideration, but I will pay for a well-maintained car.  It's only 
prudent, and you are some of the folks who are likely to have 
maintained your cars well.

Also, any advice on years to avoid / problem areas / etc.

Im in Norther New Jersey.


Grant Lenahan
gfl at erols.com (home)
glenahan at telcordia.com (office)  NEW!
gfl at alum.MIT.edu (MIT)
(973) 377-4458 voice
(973) 377-3661 fax
(973) 301-0685 Sonogy Lab

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