
Per Lindgren lindgre at
Mon Aug 28 14:51:24 EDT 2000

Jukka Majanen wrote:

> Hi Michael and listers!
> Just called the bookstore.
> I put the code in the list, if someone else
> is also interested.
> 80/coupe/cabrio/quattro/gas/diesel ´91...`94
> In german, publisher DK, ISBN 3-7688-0740-1
> The price here 178 Fim ( some 25 US $ ).

I just looked up the web site of the German publisher, DK (Delius-Klasing),
and in their online book store, you can buy any of their 10 Audi manuals.
The ISBN numbers are included on the page. The URL:

I have one of their books for my quattro and also one for the Vanagon, I
think these books are way more informative than the Haynes, but of course
not as much as Bentley, these books are DIY manuals after all.

92 100 2,8q Avant

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