12v v6 tuning

Grant Lenahan gfl at erols.com
Mon Aug 28 16:30:19 EDT 2000

At 11:05 AM 8/28/00 -0700, Kris Hansen wrote:
>Greetings. I am looking at buying a 95/96 A6 Avant,
>and I was wondering if there was any tuning tips for
>these cars. Obviously it will never be a rocket, but
>there might be some subtle things that they respond

Downhill gradients?
Reputedly, you can add a supercharger kit, for a fair amount of $$.
Some people mess with low restriction air filters and throttle bodies.
I personally its pi&&ing in the wind.

>I have noticed that no one makes a chip for this
>engine, anyone know why?

Sure.  Chips are really only effective on turbo cars, where they can 
basically "turn up the boost and turn up the gas to match". Also, few 
people who buy slushbox, v-6 audis are into hot-rodding.

Grant Lenahan
glenahan at telcordia.com
gfl at erols.com
gfl at alum.MIT.edu

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