92 100S - power steering hose and oil leaking.

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Mon Aug 28 15:41:57 EDT 2000

> The dealer price for pentosin is also outrageous.  $9.95 for 12 ounces.  I
> forgot who told me,  but VIP has pentosin for $13.95 a liter.  This is the
> green color ( CH7.1).

... well, if you've got a '93 they you definitely don't have the
non-synthetic stuff in your system now; so if that truly is the 7.1 stuff
you're looking to buy you may want to search some more.  The label on the
side of the synthetic stuff clearly states that you should not introduce 7.1
into a system with 11S.  You may save a bit on the fluid, but come back
complaining about the high price of repair!  You should be able to find a
liter of the proper fluid easily for $20 per liter, and probably even less
than that if you shop around.  The hydraulic system on many cars doesn't
hold that much fluid to begin with, so I don't think we're talking about a
lot of money here IAC.  I recently had to replace the "lower" pump to rack
hose on my '91 V8Q, and even with the monstrous reservoir that car has I
only needed about one liter to restore the fluid after I replaced the hose

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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