brake bleeding/changing type 44

Grant Lenahan gfl at
Tue Aug 29 08:45:11 EDT 2000

>anyone have a BTDT on changing brake fluid
>in a type 44 quattro.

No, but its pretty much the same as a Pinto, in that regard :-)

>notice the bentley says drain 500cm3 from each
>caliper... how much fluid is that?
You mean mm^3?
What *do* you mean?  Its 500ml.  A pint.

>also note local auto store sells DOT 4 brake fluid
>and Audi/VW DOT 4 brake fluid, for 3X the price
>of the regular DOT 4.  any recommendations?

I know of no difference, except the price.


Grant Lenahan
gfl at (home)
glenahan at (office)  NEW!
gfl at (MIT)
(973) 377-4458 voice
(973) 377-3661 fax
(973) 301-0685 Sonogy Lab

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