ABS Problem on my Newly Acquired 89n 200TQA Resolved!

larry leung l.leung at juno.com
Tue Aug 29 09:35:49 EDT 2000

Just going through old mail.

Having a spout. There is an article in the Nov (could be Oct) 1998 Road & Track in which very experienced drivers (including many whom are successful racers) tested ABS vs. non-ABS under controlled, repeatable conditions and found the following:

1) Under a vast majority of situations, full ABS met or beat Locked Wheels, Manual Threshold Braking (and these are race drivers!)and manually modulated ABS every time.

2) The only situations where ABS was slightly worse or worse was Glare (Ice Rink quality) Ice, to a lesser degree FRESHLY fallen snow, and to a much lesser degree gravel and sand (hmmmm, isn't this what Audi USED to say?(LAC))

IMHO, the only time one should opt for no ABS besides the conditions above (BTDT on glare ice(in my Audi, since I had a choice), but in that case (severe ice storm) had to do about 15-20 MPH tops for about 2 miles until I got off of the hill. Rather unnerving)would be on a dry racetrack, where 99% of the time, you KNOW exactly where your braking will be. I don't think reality says you know this to the same degree on public roads. And I think the only reason some racers opt for no ABS is because it's what they're used to on the track. I've seen ABS used to very good effect at Divisional Level SCCA Solo events and National Level SCCA Club events, places where late braking with ABS that couldn't be done with manual braking gained either yards or 10ths of seconds. It's just something that must be learned (on the track, I haven't, but my GTi doesn't give me the choice). I personnally have yet to see someone out brake ABS. 

And Bill, thanks for the service tips for our 200Qs!


------Original Message------
From: "Bill Rowe" <browe58 at netzero.net>
To: Quattro List <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: August 17, 2000 12:22:00 AM GMT
Subject: ABS Problem on my Newly Acquired 89n 200TQA Resolved!


Well, I did it again.  I accomplished something that many said could not be
done or was better off left alone.  If you recall, the ABS lite on my newly
acquired 200TQA kept coming on and annoying the s**t out of me.  BTW, in all
fairness to the previous owner, I bought the car w/ full knowledge of the
problem.  I bought a good used ABS wheel sensor off an 87 5ktq only to later
find out upon inspection that they were not identical and many said they
were incompatible.  Some suggested that they were not properly adjusted and
that they must be pushed in all the way and then backed out a little.  Some
referred to a "hertz" measurement on all sensors to determine which, if any,
were bad.  And then some suggested to leave it alone because ABS did not
offer any advantages, was just another component to go bad and spend big
bucks trying to fix, and that braking was as good if not better w/o ABS.
Well here's the real scoop:

1.  The wheel sensors off an 87 5ktq will work on an 89 200tqa.  All you
need to do is remove the sleeve before inserting the older style sensor.  I
just wedged a samll piece of aluminum so that it fit snugly, since there's
no way to bolt it down.  Took her for a test drive and no more "ABS Off"
lite and braking was definitely improved.  I realize I run the risk of it
coming loose over time but maybe I'll be lucky and never have to address it.

2.  There is no adjustment on the newer push in types.  You just push 'em in
and leave alone.  That's what I did.  They're not rubbing, lite doesn't
coming on, and braking feels awesome.

3.  A simple resistance test ( as opposed to a time-consuming hertz test) as
described in Bentley (pg 45.65) will determine which, if any, is bad.  In my
case, it was the front left sensor that had crapped out.

4.  We pay a premium for the technologically advanced ABS and to disconnect
or ignore a malfunctioning system it in lieu of fixing it is, in my opinion,
foolish.  Some argue that ABS does not allow you to feel the road and does
not offer any advantage.  Personally, I can't feel the road any better w/o
ABS and there's no way I can manually pump the pedal as fast as the ABS
system can under emergency situations.  Even under normal circumstances I
experience better braking with the ABS.  There's less pedal travel and more
bite/grip/stopping power.  Again, just my personal opinion/experience.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my positive experience w/ y'all and clear up
uncertainties, discrepancies, etc.  And of course, once again, a big thank
you to all who provided input.  Cheers.



Marc, I'll be coming by for the other sensors after all.

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