88 90 q dead

Andrei Kogan abk at phy.duke.edu
Tue Aug 29 16:17:02 EDT 2000

OK, it finally died permanently. The state of things as of today:

Car won't start, not firing at all. Before, it'd start and die after 
driving for 10-20 min. Replaced the  dist cap/rotor, checked ( by putting a 
new plug into the first wire connector) that Im getting a spark.

Bridged across the Fuel Pump relay --- hear the pump buzzing fine but the 
engine still  isn't starting. ( buzzing = working , is it true? or could it 
be buzzing and still not producing enough pressure to open the injectors?)

Pulled the codes, got faulty throttle switches ( the switches are new) and 
air meter potentiometer code. Now:

Checked potentiometer voltage: Bentley says it should be 4.5 V, Im getting 
9 Volts (???) with the ignition on. Also, there seems to be no voltage 
supplied to the throttle switches( Should be battery voltage on one of the 
pins w/ignition on)

starter keeps turning fine for now

Suggestions anyone? Does it look like a loose ground somehwere  is messing 
up the electronics?

please CC  your responses to abk at phy.duke.edu.  We are moving this weekend 
and I really would like to at least find out what is wrong before Friday. 
The connections in the engine compartment seem all fine, nothing that'd 
strike me as abnormal on anything around the fuel distributor/air flow 
meter. No immediately noticeable hissing sounds indicating vacuum leaks 

Many thanks,

somewhat pissed off at cis-III right now

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