unbeleivable a/t on 5kt

Mike Korach tm2 at zipcon.net
Wed Aug 30 10:15:49 EDT 2000


When ever you replace your auto trans make sure you flush the converter
otherwise you will end up with alot of the same junk in your new tranny
that you had in
your old one. This may not have been  done prior to this tranny.

If you need a 5KT speedo sender I have one for a 84 5000 Turbo.

Pat Korach
Kirkland, WA

William Magliocco wrote:

> In my previous posting, I told you the tale of woe
> with the a/t failure.
> Now I know it is cooked!
> I just removed the speedo sensor unit from the diff
> case.  The gear is melted half way around, and the
> unit is seized up tight.
> Something got really hot in there.
> anybody seen one of these melt?
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