more rear brake type 44 questions

don & lori dell4 at
Thu Aug 31 01:31:13 EDT 2000

finally threw in the towel with my rear calipers.

they had gone beyond my patience and skill level.
got some rebuilts from Canadian tire.  left one went on fine.  when i
finished bleeding the right one, i titened the bleeder screw, but it just
turning... uggh... stripped it and its leaking.  so i
stuck in the old bleeder screw from original caliper
and same thing,  when titened it leaked like crazy.
had another bleeder screw that came with the left
side, as i used the original in the new left side caliper.  so put in this
third bleeder screw and
it seems to work fine.

is this unusal?  should i be worried that it will leak,
or did i just damage the treads on first 2 i tried?

also note on the brake hose on right side looks a
little twisted as had to go extra quarter turn to keep
it tite.  shud this concern me?  wud it be better without that extra quarter

i am total newbie to fixing my brakes, so hope more experienced listers can
comment on above.

don henry

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