Quattro digest, Vol 1 #54 - 22 msgs
mcol at uswest.net
Wed Aug 30 22:30:52 EDT 2000
working again here!
thanks for the effort!!
----- Original Message -----
From: <quattro-request at audifans.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 7:00 PM
Subject: Quattro digest, Vol 1 #54 - 22 msgs
> Send Quattro mailing list submissions to
> quattro at audifans.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/quattro
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> quattro-request at audifans.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> quattro-admin at audifans.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Quattro digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. unbeleivable a/t on 5kt (William Magliocco)
> 2. Re:Special pieces (Kneale Brownson)
> 3. PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM THE LIST AND HAW DO I... (LMorgia at aol.com)
> 4. 15" Ronals fs (jcasidy)
> 5. Re:Fiend in trunk- 93 90csq- Fixed (Craig K Yandow)
> 6. Rear brakes please help!! (ASTHAMMER at aol.com)
> 7. RE:Where oh where has the q-list gone??? (auditude at neta.com)
> 8. More data RE:4ktq FV operation (or lack therof) (Marc Swanson)
> 9. Replacing the fuel filter on 87 5KCSQ (Adam Jansen)
> 10. Re:Help Me Please re AC REPAIRS to 91 Audi Cpe Quattro (Fred Munro)
> 11. after-run relay (Eddy Mattice)
> 14. Re:A41.8T Avant (TheRingmeister at aol.com)
> 15. Anyone home? (Bill Abplanalp)
> 16. duplicate (Brett Dikeman)
> 17. Fixed the FV!! (4ktq) (Marc A Swanson)
> 18. still running a test (Brett Dikeman)
> 19. Airbags (Pat, Andrea & Theo Quinn)
> 20. admin: digest problems/general delivery problems (Brett Dikeman)
> 21. Replacing the fuel filter on 94 90q (David G)
> 22. Happy name day (Pantelis Giamarellos)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 16:56:46 -0700 (PDT)
> From: William Magliocco <magliocc at rocketmail.com>
> Subject: unbeleivable a/t on 5kt
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> In my previous posting, I told you the tale of woe
> with the a/t failure.
> Now I know it is cooked!
> I just removed the speedo sensor unit from the diff
> case. The gear is melted half way around, and the
> unit is seized up tight.
> Something got really hot in there.
> anybody seen one of these melt?
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
> http://mail.yahoo.com/
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 20:00:25 -0400
> To: "Michael Friesen" <mfriesen at sympatico.ca>
> From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com>
> Subject: Re: Special pieces
> Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
> --=======689B3FE5=======
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed;
> I'm not certain about the '94, but I think it uses a different tool to
> release the radio clips than the one on earlier models that can be made
> from heavy hanger wire. Radio tools are available from Baum, Zalenda,
> Lisle, etc., and I think there are different types for different years.
> I believe you need the dealer diagnostic tool or one of the PC simulators
> to get any electronic information about a '94.
> At 07:33 PM 08/29/2000 -0400, Michael Friesen wrote:
> >Sorry bout that all, It's a 1994 90S with the stock Audi Gamma deck.
> >
> >Mike
> >
> >Guess I need a tag line so I don't forget.
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Kneale Brownson" <knotnook at traverse.com>
> >To: "Michael Friesen" <mfriesen at sympatico.ca>; <quattro at audifans.com>
> >Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 6:59 PM
> >Subject: Re: Special pieces
> >
> >
> > > If you'd include the year and model of the car, it would be possible
> > > suggest solutions to your problem, Michael.
> > >
> > >
> > > At 06:16 PM 08/29/2000 -0400, Michael Friesen wrote:
> > >
> > > >Hi all,
> > > >
> > > >I'd like to fix a couple things on my car, but seem to be missing
> > > >parts. Where can I get the radio removal tool, and the jumper for
> >ECU
> > > >to get the error codes?
> > > >
> > > >Thanks,
> > > >
> > > >Mike Friesen
> > > >
> > > >_______________________________________________
> > > >Quattro mailing list Quattro at audifans.com
> > > >To remove yourself, change to digest mode, or temporarily stop
> > > >please visit the web interface at
> > > >http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/quattro
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Quattro mailing list Quattro at audifans.com
> >To remove yourself, change to digest mode, or temporarily stop delivery
> >please visit the web interface at
> >http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/quattro
> >
> --=======689B3FE5=======--
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> From: LMorgia at aol.com
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 19:52:35 EDT
> To: <Quattro at audifans.com>
> can u guys remove me from the list on this email adress and transfer me to
this email adress
> daniel at idt.net or let me know haw to do it myself.
> thank you daniel
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 18:02:40 -0600
> From: jcasidy <jcasidy at uswest.net>
> To: quattro list <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: 15" Ronals fs
> Hey fans!
> I'm selling a selling a set of 5 15x7" 5 hole 16 spoke Ronals from an
> '82 5000. They are in decent shape, but could use detailing. Any
> offers? Please reply directly.
> John Cassidy
> --__--__--
> Message: 5
> From: Craig K Yandow <Craig.K.Yandow at aero.org>
> To: damien_gaboury <damien_gaboury at uqac.uquebec.ca>,
> tyoung <tyoung at wamnet.com>
> cc: quattro <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: Fiend in trunk- 93 90csq- Fixed
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 17:15:36 -0700
> Thanks Damien, Todd,
> My car auto locked when the trunk was closed and often while being driven,
> especially if backed up. I finally had a chance to open the wire bundle
> into the trunk on the drivers side as you suggested. 5 of the 7 wires
> broken (at the sharpest point in the bend)- some in multiple places.
> Splicing around the breaks, not only have fixed the auto locking problem,
> restored the backup lights and license lights. I had not even noticed
> license lights were gone. From talking to another Audi wrench I head
> this problem is common to more than just the 1993 90.
> I also changed the way the wire bundle is fastened to the hinge elements
> it does not have to make such a sharp turn. Hopefully, it won't snag or
> break again.
> Craig
> --__--__--
> Message: 6
> From: ASTHAMMER at aol.com
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 20:26:56 EDT
> Subject: Rear brakes please help!!
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> I attempted to replace my brake pads on the rear of my 1992 100CS. I know
> this is probably a stupid question but i can't seem to figure it out.
> How do you retract the piston in the caliper in order to enlarge the
> to accomodate the new pads??? I tried squeezing it with channel locks but
> no avail.
> please help.
> Also... I sucessfully replaced both rotors easily but had to use the old
> pads until i can figure out to retract the piston. Replacing the rotors
> too easy, was there something i missed?
> TIA !!
> Edward Leitter
> --__--__--
> Message: 7
> From: auditude at neta.com
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 17:57:16 -0700
> Subject: RE: Where oh where has the q-list gone???
> Reply-to: auditude at neta.com
> Yes, it works!
> I'm using Pegasus email client and Stephen Knight's "digester"
> program to read the q list. I have to open a couple messages, like
> they were forwarded, but when I open the right one, it's a list of
> clickable subject lines and header info that you can sort by. Much
> easier for digest moders to jump to what they want to read, and
> skip what they don't. Reading a regular digest email, for me, is no
> longer worth the effort, now that I know about this.
> There's probably even more stuff like these tools. I hope to learn
> more about them as I am starting to get into Unix/Linux a bit. I
> went to SCO Forum 2k, if anyone here knows what that is. I still
> don't know much, but it's interesting.
> I'm glad Steve B. mentioned the mode selections. I missed the
> other post about it (lost in the digest I guess). Thanks Steve.
> Later,
> Ken
> On 29 Aug 00, at 19:37, Brett Dikeman wrote:
> > At 11:00 AM -0700 8/29/00, Buchholz, Steven wrote:
> > > > I miss that feature. I wonder if the list could be sent out as a
> > >> digest or something, so that this feature will once again work.
> > >
> > >... one post complains about the MIME encoding and the next laments the
> > >... actually, I think that both of you can get exactly what you want!
> >
> > Different meanings.
> >
> > One refers to all the MIME garbage that comes across in individual
> > postings. The other refers to separating each post by making it a
> > separate MIME part in the same email message...which, incidentally,
> > -is- available(you were completely correct.) I have never used that
> > mode. I did mention it a few days ago in a post to the list, saying
> > it might just allow for what Ken is asking for.)
> >
> > Brett
> > --
> > ----
> > Brett Dikeman Systems Engineer
> > CFN(formerly iClick, Inc) 914-872-8043
> > 120 Bloomingdale Rd. 914-872-8100(fax)
> > White Plains, NY 10605 http://www.iclick.com
> > PGP Fingerprint: 06C2 5D5B D2B4 7626 BB24 2BBC 9E4A C8B3
> > PGP Key location: http://pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net/pgp/brett.pgp
> >
> --__--__--
> Message: 8
> From: "Marc Swanson" <marcswanson at mediaone.net>
> To: "Chris Miller" <c1j1miller at aol.com>, "Orin Eman" <orin at WOLFENET.COM>,
> "Steve Eiche" <seiche at cellport.com>,
> "Nate Stuart" <nathan.stuart at maine.edu>
> Cc: "quattro list" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: More data RE:4ktq FV operation (or lack therof)
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 16:49:06 -0400
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> Ok, I checked a few more things regarding my non-functioning FV. Someone
> mentioned to me that the FV is supposed to have +12 to one pin and an open
> wire on the other (unless the FV is plugged in.. which is when you should
> get +12 to both), but during the output tests for the FV I saw +12 on both
> wires going to the FV with the valve disconnected... I thought one of them
> was supposed to be switching to ground at a regular interval.. The orange
> wire during these tests had a 1.5 ohm resistance to battery +12 and the
> bl/bk wire had a 1.3 ohm resistance to +12. At the CO tap during the FV
> test, the Brown wire was grounded with .35 ohms relative to a good ground
> and the Bl/Bk wire was +12.
> Now, with the ignition ON but not during the FV output test, the FV had
> wires with less than an ohm of resistance to ground. Basically the same
> state that the valve is in with the ignition off (which makes sense to
> as long as the valve operates with the engine running and ignition on).
> Still getting a duty cycle of 0% at the CO tap and I'm running out of
> to check.... I'm going to go out to the garage one more time tonight and
> make SURE that the ignition booster and bracket is fully grounded (I think
> it is but I'll double check just for fun).
> Thanks for all the help guys!
> -Marc-
> /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +Marc Swanson +
> + +
> +http://marcswanson.ne.mediaone.net +
> + +
> +87 4kcsq waiting to see first gear +
> +85 4ksq "the spare" +
> +87 5ktq donor (Parting out) +
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
> --__--__--
> Message: 9
> From: Adam Jansen <adamj at scenicsoft.com>
> To: "'quattro at audifans.com'" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Replacing the fuel filter on 87 5KCSQ
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 13:41:46 -0700
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> With all the talk about fuel filters, I have decided to replace mine, but
> the Bentley isn't here yet.
> Any BTDT on replacing a fuel filter? Or is it a simple unscrew old one,
> screw in new one? I dont want to get into it and find out it was more
> complicated than it should be (after all this is an Audi ;-)
> thanks
> Adam
> Seattle, WA
> 87 5KCSQ 199,210 miles
> --__--__--
> Message: 10
> From: "Fred Munro" <munrof at isys.ca>
> To: "Brown, Richard D" <rbrown at amfam.com>, <iduff at charter.com>
> Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>, <nivi at aol.com>
> Subject: Re: Help Me Please re AC REPAIRS to 91 Audi Cpe Quattro
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 21:28:26 -0400
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi Richard;
> "Compressor did not kick on" sounds to me like "compressor clutch did not
> engage", which means you may need a new clutch, not a new compressor -
> providing they have done the troubleshooting right.
> If the compressor is seized and the clutch engages, there is usually lots
> screaming and blue smoke from the drive belt...then you do need a new
> compressor.
> I had to replace the compressor on my '91 200q, but it was due to leaks,
> mechanical difficulties.
> Maybe you should try another shop.
> Fred Munro
> '94 S4 110k km
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brown, Richard D" <rbrown at amfam.com>
> To: <iduff at charter.com>
> Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>; <nivi at aol.com>
> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:08 PM
> Subject: Help Me Please re AC REPAIRS to 91 Audi Cpe Quattro
> > Help me please:
> >
> > My experience is similar to Nivi at aol.com. At the end of last summer, I
> > the freon charged on the Coupe, and this year, no AC. Per the dealer,
> > they've now quoted me total replacement of the AC Compressor, et al, and
> > total projected quote exceeds $1500. In essence, they claim the
> compressor
> > needs to be replaced, and though it has always generated a rather noisy
> > system when "on" for AC/Heating, I am wondering whether there's a more
> > simple solution. The quote from the local dealer indicates that the
> > technician "checked the freon level and pressures [were] ok, compressor
> will
> > not kick on, bypassed switch and wired direct and did not kick on. Need
> > replace compressor, ...."
> >
> > Reaction/suggestions/solutions please help
> > Thanks for any advice anyone can give me. rb
> > rbrown at amfam.com
> >
> >
> > Dorab, my A/C leaked all its juice out, yielding a hot summer ride. I
> > took it to a local A/C shop, had them evacuate the system (like it
> > needed it!) and locate the leaks, cost $45. They were in the condenser.
> > On Bob D'Amato's recommendation, I pulled the condenser, which is an
> > aluminum Modine unit, and took it to a local radiator shop. They welded
> > the leaks and painted it, cost $30. I put the condenser back in, took my
> > CQ back to the first shop, who put in some R12 lubricant and charged the
> > system, cost $135. Much cheaper than the hosing the dealer is proposing
> > for you. It took me a week, what with three trips to local shops, and
> > half an hour to remove the condenser, and half an hour to re-install it.
> > Total cost $210, plus an hour of my labor and a week chasing stuff.
> >
> > My bomb is making signs (brake warning light takes 15-20 seconds to go
> > out when I start my CQ, and comes on briefly while driving if I jump on
> > the brakes) of wanting replacement, which I have been putting off. I am
> > going to try Blaufergnugen (sp?) and Linda for a replacement.
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -
> > Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black
> > quattro Owners Club member P877
> >
> > Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
> > Work: Charter Systems, Inc., West Newton, MA, USA
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -
> >
> > >----------
> > >From: Nivi at aol.com[SMTP:Nivi at aol.com]
> > >Sent: Monday, 21 October, 1996 10:48 PM
> > >To: quattro at coimbra.ans.net
> > >Subject: Coupe Repairs...
> > >
> > ><<snippage>>
> > >
> > >I just *forced* my Audi dealership service department to give me an
> > estimate
> > >on my airconditioning system, which had been leaking during the last
> > >months, but I decided to hold off repairing it. They came back with an
> > >estimate for a hydroulic pump and a hydroulic accumulator as well as a
> > >"ignition system". I had taken the car in earlier the day before to
> a
> > >knocking sound coming from the front of the block, and took a ride with
> the
> > >mechanic. He said that there really wasn't anything wrong, and that I
> > should
> > >just wait until the parts break down...*but*, that's not what the
> "service
> > >representative" said! Check this out:
> > ><<more snippage, Audi dealer with a cranial-rectal transplant>>
> > >Then I asked, "is any of this really necessary?", he replied "well, if
> you
> > >want your car
> > >to perform as it should..." What balls! I was *told* that it
> > >necessary, and this
> > >******** tries to get me to replace shit that I don't really need - I
> need
> > an
> > >airconditioning system to defog the car now!
> > ><<more snippage>>
> > >I *will* keep you guys up to date on how this dealership is diagnosing
> > >problems, and I'm *not* paying $ 70/hour for bull***t! I can go to
> another
> > >one, bring my own parts, and pay only $ 56/hour, but I prefer the
> mechanic
> > at
> > >the dealership I have been using - he knows his stuff! I won't disclose
> the
> > >name of the place right now, but later, when I have verified
> > >
> > >Any of you coupe owners replaced the hydroulic pump yet?? Bet that you
> > >haven't!! I know that the "bombs" go after a while....and can anyone
> verify
> > >that the accumulator is the "bomb"? Or, do I have to *add* to my grand
> > total
> > >of $ 1,878.50??
> > >
> > >BTW, the total quote for an a/c condensor, compressor, charge, labor
> > >freon is..... (hold your breath!)....$ 1,800.95!! (I *don't* mind
> > the
> > >$ 70.00 labor if things are done right!!)
> > >
> > >TIA everyone,
> > >
> > >Dorab (Nivi at aol.com)
> > >1993 S4
> > >1990 CoupeQ
> > >1986 Chevy Caprice
> > >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Quattro mailing list Quattro at audifans.com
> > To remove yourself, change to digest mode, or temporarily stop delivery
> > please visit the web interface at
> > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/quattro
> >
> --__--__--
> Message: 11
> From: "Eddy Mattice" <eddymattice at hotmail.com>
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: after-run relay
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 21:32:30 EDT
> Sorry guys need the p/n for the after-run relay from an 86 4kq. I had it
> once but like so many other things it is cuurently missing. Thanks for the
> help!
> Eddy
> 86 4kq(about to hit the road)
> 86 cgt(about to become a hunk of scrap)
> 85 cgt(already a hunk of scrap)
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at
> http://profiles.msn.com.
> --__--__--
> Message: 12
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 22:51:34 -0400
> To: LMorgia at aol.com, <Quattro at audifans.com>
> From: Brett Dikeman <quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>
> At 7:52 PM -0400 8/29/00, LMorgia at aol.com wrote:
> >can u guys remove me from the list on this email adress and transfer
> >me to this email adress
> >daniel at idt.net or let me know haw to do it myself.
> >thank you daniel
> >_______________________________________________
> >Quattro mailing list Quattro at audifans.com
> >To remove yourself, change to digest mode, or temporarily stop delivery
> >please visit the web interface at
> >http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/quattro
> Daniel,
> Do you see the instructions appended to every message, including the
> one you sent, that say, "To remove yourself etc etc, please visit the
> web interface at..."?
> Please follow those directions and use that webpage to unsubscribe
> yourself, then re-subscribe with the new address. If you need
> further help, please DO NOT email the list(there are 1,500 people on
> this list!), email me -only-, I am the list administrator(at least
> for the time being.)
> Thanks,
> Brett
> --
> ----
> Brett Dikeman Systems Engineer
> CFN(formerly iClick, Inc) 914-872-8043
> 120 Bloomingdale Rd. 914-872-8100(fax)
> White Plains, NY 10605 http://www.iclick.com
> PGP Fingerprint: 06C2 5D5B D2B4 7626 BB24 2BBC 9E4A C8B3
> PGP Key location: http://pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net/pgp/brett.pgp
> --__--__--
> Message: 13
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 22:52:34 -0400
> To: LMorgia at aol.com, <Quattro at audifans.com>
> From: Brett Dikeman <quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>
> At 7:43 PM -0400 8/29/00, LMorgia at aol.com wrote:
> >_______________________________________________
> >Quattro mailing list Quattro at audifans.com
> >To remove yourself, change to digest mode, or temporarily stop delivery
> >please visit the web interface at
> >http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/quattro
> Do you see this header at the bottom of every message? See how it
> says "to remove yourself", and the web address?
> --
> ----
> Brett Dikeman Systems Engineer
> CFN(formerly iClick, Inc) 914-872-8043
> 120 Bloomingdale Rd. 914-872-8100(fax)
> White Plains, NY 10605 http://www.iclick.com
> PGP Fingerprint: 06C2 5D5B D2B4 7626 BB24 2BBC 9E4A C8B3
> PGP Key location: http://pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net/pgp/brett.pgp
> --__--__--
> Message: 14
> From: TheRingmeister at aol.com
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 23:11:04 EDT
> Subject: Re: A41.8T Avant
> To: Anton.Gaidos at flextronics.com, quattro at audifans.com
> Anton,
> I can tell you first hand that the car is a joy to drive, even with
> tiptronic, as long as you know where the power is. It's a lot like our
> cq's...not a beast off the line, but the car will sing at 5-6k rpm like
> Ella Fitzgerald.
> i blew away a GTA Firebird on a twisty section of road early Sunday
> on my way to get gas before church. 60 ish in a 35 zone, so no autobahn,
> this guy was pushing it no doubt, the front end of his car was all over
> road, and in the air compared to the rear...he was on it, and i was in 3rd
> and leaving him....
> The sport suspension is taut, but not too stiff....exactly what you'd
> expect....find one and drive one...you'll see what I mean. Audi paid
quite a
> bit to get the specially valved struts just right, and I'm sure tested
> a few springs too. I bought the car barely used, so I'm not sure what
> of premium Audi charges for it, but for her (and me) it was not an option
> would even consider doing without. (the 16" wheels are nice too). I'd say
> it's well worth it compared to trying to do it in the aftermarket.
> I tell people as I take exit ramps at 2 times posted speed to keep
> themselves, "this is a station wagon, this is a station wagon"
> My car, ok it's the wife's daily driver, is bone stock....filter and maybe
> chip are coming in September.....4th Anniversary present to the
> love a woman that appreciates that sort of thing! OK, i'll have to sugar
> coat it with a nice dinner and stuff, but she'll appreciate it the next
> in her travels.
> Wylie Bean
> TheRingmeister
> 90 cq
> 99.5 A4Avant 1.8Tqs
> --__--__--
> Message: 15
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 21:09:55 -0600
> From: Bill Abplanalp <bapple at vail.net>
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Anyone home?
> Hi folks,
> All of a sudden, my daily doses of quattro digest have dried up. Have I
> done something wrong?
> Please start me up again.
> Bill Abplanalp
> --__--__--
> Message: 16
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 23:38:50 -0400
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> From: Brett Dikeman <quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>
> Subject: duplicate
> whoops. had a little duplicate posting action going on there. Sorry
> folks, that was me, not the list software :-)
> --
> ----
> Brett Dikeman Systems Engineer
> CFN(formerly iClick, Inc) 914-872-8043
> 120 Bloomingdale Rd. 914-872-8100(fax)
> White Plains, NY 10605 http://www.iclick.com
> PGP Fingerprint: 06C2 5D5B D2B4 7626 BB24 2BBC 9E4A C8B3
> PGP Key location: http://pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net/pgp/brett.pgp
> --__--__--
> Message: 17
> Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 00:41:38 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Marc A Swanson <mswanson at cisunix.unh.edu>
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Fixed the FV!! (4ktq)
> Thanks to all who replied in response to my non-working FV. After talking
> with Nate a little bit about it he started thinking that one of the
> Black/Blue wires we hooked up to switched igniion probably shouldn't have
> been... In effect what happened was the wire that in the 5kt that
> normally goes FROM the FV to the board computer we were shoving +12
> through which ended up FRYING one of my ECUs!! So Chris, if you're
> reading this you get to keep the "deposit" I gave you on that ECU. I need
> it now :-)
> I plugged in the spare ECU, ran the output tests, and VOILA! 50% duty
> cycle at the CO tap. Started up the car, and after a little mixture
> tweaking it idles quite nicely!
> Thanks again all! Now I just have to finish buttoning things up!
> Later
> -Marc-
> /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +Marc Swanson +
> + +
> +http://marcswanson.ne.mediaone.net +
> + +
> +87 4ktq (Finally!!!!) +
> +85 4ksq "the spare" +
> +87 5ktq donor (Parting out) +
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
> --__--__--
> Message: 18
> Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 00:47:39 -0400
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> From: Brett Dikeman <quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>
> Subject: still running a test
> still trying to troubleshoot delivery problems. Please bear with me.
> Brett
> --
> ----
> Brett Dikeman Systems Engineer
> CFN(formerly iClick, Inc) 914-872-8043
> 120 Bloomingdale Rd. 914-872-8100(fax)
> White Plains, NY 10605 http://www.iclick.com
> PGP Fingerprint: 06C2 5D5B D2B4 7626 BB24 2BBC 9E4A C8B3
> PGP Key location: http://pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net/pgp/brett.pgp
> --__--__--
> Message: 19
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 22:01:14 -0700
> From: "Pat, Andrea & Theo Quinn" <3quinns at ltol.com>
> To: <Quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Airbags
> Hi,
> Where is the best (cheapest) place to get replacement airbags?
> Pat
> '95 90q
> --__--__--
> Message: 20
> Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 01:48:02 -0400
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> From: Brett Dikeman <quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>
> Subject: admin: digest problems/general delivery problems
> I'm hoping I found the problem; we had a disk space problem and a
> problem with the mailman software itself. I spent all of tonight
> looking at the problem.
> I apologize to those who didn't get immediate responses to emails to
> me about this issue. I'm sure you all understand that I have a
> responsibility to my employer first, and that I decided to focus on
> finding the problem, rather than emailing everyone back once it was
> obvious the problem was not automatic bounce detection. I don't have
> a lot of time to dedicate to the list.
> However, I understand this may not be the fix for the problems people
> have been having, so I'll be going through my email and checking with
> everyone who emailed me about digest problems, to make sure that
> their problem has in fact gone away. It would help enormously,
> however, if those people who stopped getting mail or digests, and who
> are now getting them, would email me immediately to let me know that
> things are working again. I won't get a chance until sometime
> tomorrow to check up with everyone; I'm exhausted and going to get
> some sleep.
> I'm also keeping a close eye on some of the log files generated by
> the list software itself, and I've contacted the mailman-users group
> to find out about some of the problems and symptoms I'm seeing; I'll
> probably end up working with the developers as well if there's an
> actual problem with mailman.
> Hang in there, guys...
> Thanks,
> Brett
> --
> ----
> Brett Dikeman Systems Engineer
> CFN(formerly iClick, Inc) 914-872-8043
> 120 Bloomingdale Rd. 914-872-8100(fax)
> White Plains, NY 10605 http://www.iclick.com
> PGP Fingerprint: 06C2 5D5B D2B4 7626 BB24 2BBC 9E4A C8B3
> PGP Key location: http://pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net/pgp/brett.pgp
> --__--__--
> Message: 21
> Reply-To: "David G" <daveglu at hotmail.com>
> From: "David G" <daveglu at hotmail.com>
> To: "Adam Jansen" <adamj at scenicsoft.com>, <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Replacing the fuel filter on 94 90q
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 23:53:47 -0700
> Same as earlier post, except I need tips on getting it out.
> Dave G
> --__--__--
> Message: 22
> From: "Pantelis Giamarellos" <pantg at otenet.gr>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Happy name day
> Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 11:41:53 +0300
> charset="iso-8859-7"
> Fellow listers Hi,
> According to Greek Orthodox Church's name days calendar today is everyone
> called Alexander or Alex has his or her name day.
> So best wishes for a happy name day to everyone on this list you is
> celebrating.
> Take care and enjoy it.
> Pantelis Giamarellos
> --__--__--
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> Quattro mailing list
> Quattro at audifans.com
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