Starter don't....

John Larson jdlarson at
Thu Aug 31 20:30:30 EDT 2000

Jumping the 2 large posts will spin the starter but won't engage it.
Jumping the positive post to the energizing terminal will only work if
the starter is good. I'd check the engine (transmission) to body ground,
then the battery to body ground, then the hot cable to the battery, then
the hot cable to starter. Still no action, then jump hot to energizing
terminal. Spinning the starter with a jump of the 2 large terminals is a
waste of time. If the indicator lights on the dash dim appreciably when
you turn the key to the start position, there's a pretty good chance the
starter is toast. You could just get a couple of good friends and push
start the car. Use 2nd or 3rd gear, be careful. Won't work if the
battery is history, no juice to run the fuel pump, the ecu, and the
ignition system. Charging the battery with the alternator is a no no.
Starting the car with a charger or a "hot shot" is also a risky
proposition. One good spike and you'll wish you hadn't done it. You
might also check to make sure the engine turns over by hand. HTH, John

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