Allroads are hitting the showrooms

Bryan Rodgers brodgers at
Fri Dec 1 16:38:11 EST 2000

how do you explain Subaru's sales then?


-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Frank [mailto:frank at]
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 4:35 PM
To: quattro list
Subject: Re: Allroads are hitting the showrooms

Ameer Antar wrote:
> I wonder how well Audi will do w/ this. Most people are too dumb to
> understand this is better than a suv w/ fixed ride height.

Depressingly, I suspect you're right.  It's not an SUV-- it's not
truck-based, and neither tall enough or massive enough.  I
predict it will fail in the market.  It's not what people want. 
It's what people *should* want, which is not the same thing.

Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.  Lead, n.  A metal, useful as
ZKO           110 Spit Brook Rd.      counterpoise to an argument
603-884-0501  Nashua, NH USA 03062    otherwise unanswerable.

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