Another reason Chrysler stinks.

Brett Dikeman quattro at
Fri Dec 1 22:36:51 EST 2000

At 10:43 PM -0500 11/30/00, Lawrence C Leung wrote:
>Heck, I just  had a run in with a new Civic coupe (not the Si) on the
>highway, no less, and I was JUST able to match him, move for move. Either
>I should have great respect for the Civic, or ....

Today's run in story was with a Lexus G$400- yep, the "sporty" one, 
with those kewl(not) dual exhausts and all.

He's riding my ass all through Harrison, and not taking subtle 
hints(ie, me giving a little space in front, then accelerating 
briefly but quickly to separate us.)  Meanwhile, those xenons and 
damn fog lights are blazing away(it's late morning, not a cloud in 
the sky.)

We take the on ramp for the Hutch northbound...and I keep it 
reaaaaaal slow down the start of the entrance ramp in 2nd gear, and I 
can see him steaming.

That was, until a casual upshift to 3rd and flooring it; started off 
near my torque peak and it was aaallllll good from there on. 
Buuuuubye(awww, whassat, your big boat got no go?  Poo baby.)  I 
exited the ramp at about 70ish easy but had to brake and bleed off 
some serious speed(damn other cars, keep getting in the way); he 
keeps at it, and about 5 seconds later pulls a classic newyorker 
high-speed-3-lane change(the "look, I can drive my car fast!" move) 
from the entrance ramp into the high speed lane at 10+mph than the 
rest of traffic.  Ooo, that really impressed me...took so long for 
him to get there, I almost forgot about him.

Bonus points to anyone who finds the lexus mailing list(I doubt it; 
they're all so stuck up, there probably isn't a single "enthusiast" 
among them) and forwards them a copy.

(wishing there were inter-car communications, ie, dial-a-plate: 
"excuse me sir, but how much did you pay for that Toyota?")
Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.
White Plains, NY 10605
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