water leaks into footwells, not sunroof drains

Graham Thackrah ggthack at swansea.ac.uk
Sat Dec 2 14:32:01 EST 2000

Hello List,

I spent the morning avoiding proper work by messing with my car, now I'm
avoiding proper work in the afternoon by mailing the qlist:)

I have a bad water leak somewhere into both front footwells. I also had a non
sliding sunroof. I managed to adjust the sunroof so it slides easily and whilst
I was up there I checked the front sunroof drains. Both let water out nicely
down their pipes and out just by the door hinges, like they're supposed to. Does
anyone have any other suggestions for places to look for water leaks into both
front footwells? The water is not coming from the boot, though that does have a
small leak by the light clusters (new sealant next time I'm up at the dealer).
I didn't find the rear drains, do they exit at the rear of the car or down the
A-pillars too? In wet weather I sometimes notice a dripping coming from the
general area of the fuse box on the left hand side, on the right hand side the
drivers cubby hole fills with a bit of water too. The screen seal _looks_ ok to

Cheers in advance,


85 90q.

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