a sad story
Lawrence C Leung
l.leung at juno.com
Sat Dec 2 22:22:43 EST 2000
I'm so, so Sorry. However, it could be worse. They could have offered
them a Taurus. Or a K-car.
On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 04:51:31 -0800 (PST) james austin <jra914 at excite.com>
>I've a sad story to relate. My son and his significant other have
>themselves in need a second car. He's an enthusiastic young
>student at Boston U who's been blessed with good taste in cars and the
>fortune to have owned only fun, affordable cars(a Porsche 924, a gti
>and now
>a 16v 2.0 gli).
>Anyway, after an extensive search he managed to find a nice 1987 4000
>quattro for a very affordable $1,600.
>Unfortunately, and very much to his sorrow, within 12 hours of paying
>the car, Ana's parents(his significant other) offered to give them
>ovoloV 240 - auto trans and all. The catch - they're going to
>continue to
>hold the title so that Pat can't sell the thing and upgrade.
>Feel free to send condolences and any suggestions about avoiding this
>paanta at bu.edu
>Jim Austin
>91 200 20v quattro
>93 90 s
>76 914(for sale or trade)
>86 944
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