Unbalanced wheels?

Arryn Milne enzeder at home.com
Sun Dec 3 17:03:20 EST 2000

Hi Michael,
Probably warped rotors.  Assuming rotors, if there's a lot of metal left on 
the rotor, then they can be repaired (turned on a lathe), otherwise they 
have to be replaced.
Might be able to tell if it's rotors by cruising along a motorway and 
lightly applying the brakes.  Make sure there's no-one behind you 
first.  Warped rotors usually cause a little vibration in the steering wheel.

At 07:25 AM 12/4/00 +1000, michael wrote:
>Hi, my name is Michael. This is the first time I have posted anything 
>here. I have not long purchased an Audi 200 turbo FWD 90 model.This has 
>turned out to be a lovely car which we enjoy driving except for one small 
>problem. when we bought it it required a wheel balance and alignment which 
>we had done. After this when driving home it still had the steering wheel 
>'wobble'. I took it back had the wheels rebalanced and now still have a 
>slight wobble at low speed.Anyone help me,could there be something worn in 
>the steering causing this?

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