Altenator Belt tips 89 100

njomele hong njomhong at
Sun Dec 3 17:54:00 EST 2000

Hello Listers,

The belt bit the dust and I am trying to replace it.
The previous owner had a belt of the correct length
820 mm but wrong width 9.5 vs 11.5.  I should have the
correct belt on Monday.

I was unable to move the altenator close enough to the
cranshaft pulley to put the belt on.  There is around
a half inch of travel left on the rack that I cannot
make with the bolt that has the external gear teeth.  

I soaped the belt to help fit it on the pulley to no
avail.  Taking the grill off helped with access and
penetrant on both bolts that make the altenator Pivot
on the frame has it moving except for that last half

Do I need to back the 15mm bolt that is concentric
with the 22MM "Geared" bolt out completely to get the
total range of motion on the altenator?

Is the Geared bolt function only to tension the belt
and not to position the altenator? 

Is there anything else I should do?

Alameda CA   

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