'87 5KSA /FWD-Auto "Reverse&Third... Sometimes"??

Colin Hames cchames at mm.com
Sun Dec 3 20:01:26 EST 2000

Possibly an accumulator seal.  I believe you can access this seal from
the pan.  I just spent $200 adjusting bands and flushing fluids to save
my 3 spd autobox and it didn't help at all.  I am told it needs a full
rebuild.  Mine was not clunking into gear but the shifting symptoms are
the same as yours,  except both 2nd and 3rd.


Mark Vogt wrote:

>  If anyone out there will speak to me about AUTOBOX...
> What's with this?...sometimes right into reverse-other times it sits
> there until it "klunks"
> hard into reverse.  1st...beautiful-2nd...beautiful- 3rd...sometimes
> right in ...sometimes not.
> I'm fixing it up for my wife who is pretty patient to a point and Xmas
> is coming.
> I'm sure the man at AAMC_ would have plenty of 0's to show me if I
> absolutely have to.
> Any thoughts much appreciated.
> Mark Vogt
> Exeter, NH
> '87 5000sa
> '89 200tqa
> '90 80

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