Engine Needed

CM1022 at aol.com CM1022 at aol.com
Sun Dec 3 23:19:14 EST 2000

I am looking for a complete (wiring harness, manifolds too) Audi 5 cyclinder 
turbo engine (86 and up) with a water cooled turbo included.  The engine 
needs to be in REBUILDABLE condition as does the turbo, but I don't care if 
it has a million miles as long as the bottom and top end have all the major 
components in good shape.  NO DAMAGED ENGINES, unless the damage is 
superficial.  A friend on the list described average prices to me, please 
make me an offer.  Will pay shipping, preferrable in the CA Bay Area.    

Chris Morlock
ultraimage35 at aol.com
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