Reverse lights.

Wallace White wallacewhite at
Mon Dec 4 07:25:07 EST 2000

> >     Well... after much ado I have finally removed the reverse light switch
> > from my QSW only, to my dismay, to find that it is good!!  Does anybody have
> > any ideas where to look next?
> the four pin connector down in the engine compartment near the
> engine/tranny joint might be yucky and in need of some TLC.

That's what the problem was on my 5k. If you've still got access to the
switch, use a meter to check that the two wires are connected to what
they should be. I believe one side should be connected to +12V.

I found that the four-point connector was connected but the contacts
inside weren't properly strain-relieved, and they had moved apart. 

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 167k

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