Injector line routing

DeWitt Harrison de at
Mon Dec 4 10:44:14 EST 2000

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000 09:15:07 -0500, Matthew Beaubien wrote:

 > During some CIS troubleshooting a couple of weeks ago, I removed
 > all of the injectors from the head.  I went to re-install everything 
 > and found it a bit more difficult than expected.  I'm pretty sure I know
 > which ones are #1 and #3, but not the rest.  Does anyone have a
 > good picture or description of how everything should go?
 > [ ... ]

Just route them in the most physically neat and convenient manner.
CIS means fuel pressure in all the lines, all the time. Baring some
obscure bit of CIS lore, there is no necessity of numerically
ordering the injector lines. Cheers,

DeWitt Harrison
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq

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