Should I buy this 5ktqa?

Ameer Antar ameer at
Mon Dec 4 20:50:10 EST 2000

um, please notice the use of the word also in the first line. The check 
engine light has come on for me b/c of an intermittent WOT switch, and I 
believe a fellow lister experienced a check engine light b/c of a 
intermittent air temp switch.

I already stated that a check engine light is most likely knocking at full 
retard, so I wasn't arguing w/ you. Also, theoretically a problem w/ the 
air temp sensor or WOT switch could cause knock at full retard b/c of lack 
of enrichment or wrong timing map. So it could be right that the light only 
comes on due to knocking, but the point is there may be more to that than 
one reason. In any case, such a thing is so frivolous, I don't even care 
what the real answer is...point is there's something wrong w/ the car, and 
the only way to really find out what it is reading the code. Just assuming 
the engine light is just knocking at full retard b/c of a bad tank of gas 
is a little presumptuous...

>NOTE: If a system problem occurs which could result in engine damage,
>this is also signaled via the "Check Engine" warning light. The "Check
>Engine" light will come on during driving under the following
>(1) If a fault develops in the knock control system wiring or knock
>sensor components and the engine is operating where knock is possible.
>(Engine warmed up and above ~3000 RPM and ~0.7 bar manifold pressure)
>(2) If a cylinder "continues" to knock even after the ECU has retarded
>the timing by the maximum amount possible.
>Ameer Antar wrote:
> >
> > go to SJM website...the ECU store many more faults...air temp sensor, speed
> > sensor, reference sensor, etc. But knock at full retard is most common 
> cause.
> >
> > -ameer
> >
> > At 08:18 PM 12/4/2000 , you wrote:
> > >Doesn't the check engine light under boost mean that the ECU has gone to
> > >full retard but is still getting knock? That's my recollection, though I
> > >can't say for sure. I bet Orin knows...

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