Air shrouding

DeWitt Harrison de at
Tue Dec 5 08:15:49 EST 2000

On Tue, 05 Dec 2000 09:10:20+0000, Phil Payne wrote:
 > [ ... ]
 > There is an air gap between the tip of the injector and the little
 > brass cap on the end.  Air is forced down between the cap and the
 > body of the injector - its sole purpose is to improve fuel
 > atomisation.
 > [ ... ]

Ah, thanks. I knew there needed to be an air passage but, honestly,
when I tried to think where it could be, I couldn't work it out. I wish I
had all the pieces in my hand to look at now because I still can't quite
visualize the complete air path from head to injector tip.

 > Note, incidentally, that the hose connecting the inlet manifold and
 > the head to supply these shrouds is not a hose, it's a part.  There
 > is a constrictor inside it and it should never be replaced with just a
 > length of hose.  It's possible for high boost levels to pop injectors
 > out otherwise.
 > [ ... ]

Oops. Looks like I need to add another p/n to the next order. Thanks

DeWitt Harrison
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq

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