CGT Overheat

BRIAN O'NEILL briano_72 at
Tue Dec 5 19:22:00 EST 2000

unless the propelers broke off the water pump, which
doesnt happen in audis, (ive only seen that on a
plastic impeller bmw   (yuk), and the new one i put in
was metal). if the thermostat is new+if it is good,
sounds like maybe a blockage somewhere. is it as cold
where you are as it is where i am ( 20-30deg. ), that
makes it very hard for a car to get that hot at
highway speeds.
                                    brian o'
93 90cs
90 80
88 944 turbo s

--- Stephen Santoliquido <srsanto at> wrote:
> O.K. So I'm auto-piloting to work when I notice the
> Temp gage sudenly
> dancing up to the high peg. Yikes! When I let off
> the
> gas it slowly
> lowers. If I maintain low revs it is mostly o.k..
> But
> if I drive like I
> normally do, the gage does its danger-dance. I did a
> pressure test on
> the coolant system, and no leaks could I find after
> about 45 minutes at
> pressure. I have a new T-stat and a new pressure cap
> installed.
> I'm thinking water pump. Any other suggestions?
> Thanks;
> Steve
> 87 CGT
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