Trip computer - '91 200

Ameer Antar ameer at
Wed Dec 6 16:28:07 EST 2000

There's some adjustment for this on the trip computer control unit. It's a 
little potentiometer that you stick a small flat-head screwdriver in to 
adjust. The control unit on the 5k is behind the passenger dashboard, above 
the glovebox. The 200 is prolly similar. The Bentley has info on it in the 
electrical section. good luck.


At 01:15 PM 12/6/2000 , you wrote:
>Quats -
>Car in question is a 1991 200 turbo, with 200,500 miles. The car's trip
>computer, when on the miles-to-go option is reporting an obviously
>innacurate number. Sometimes the car will have half a tank of gas, (with the
>gas guage at 1/2) and the computer will flash "E" for empty. Other times the
>miles are extremely low. Usually it seems as the computer is only computing
>half the gas in the tank.
>Obviously, this isn't a major problem, just gets annoying after a while.
>Thanks in advance,
>Ryan  Gemmill

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