Charging Problem 87 5ktq

DeWitt Harrison de at
Wed Dec 6 15:10:39 EST 2000

In LHD type 44s, the battery charging cable splice is under the carpet at
the passenger side firewall, behind the glove box area. To test it, wire your
voltmeter between the battery access post in front and the battery positive
terminal under the rear seat. Turn on some loads. If you measure more than
a couple tenths of a volt, the splice is less than perfect. There is btdt 
in the
archives on this. If it is truly in bad shape, you could measure a lot more
than that, like a volt or even two. Now do exactly the same thing for the
ground side. Put the meter between the engine block and the battery negative
terminal. More than a couple tenths there and you need to check your battery
ground strap connection and the engine-to-chassis ground strap located at the
left engine mount.

Is the "feedback wire" the same as the blue wire to the alternator? If so,
it runs to the instrument cluster to operate the alternator warning light. If
this lamp operates when you put the ignition switch in the run position
without starting the engine and if it then goes out when the engine has
started, all is well in that department. HTH.

DeWitt Harrison

On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 14:18:56 EST, John Katos wrote:

 > [ ... ] I believe that the
 > alternator is fine, the blower motor is not the culprit since it happens 
 > any device to greater or lesser extent, i.e., the rear defogger, the radio,
 > the interior lights, the headlights, the blower motor, the seat heater, the
 > emergency flashers. I am looking for direction as what can cause this other
 > than the fine alternator and the small wire that breaks and was repaired. I
 > haven't checked some of the recommendations, but they include bad battery,
 > recheck the alt belt and I have not ruled out the ISV etc, although it 
 > to run fine on a fully charged battery. A question for DeWitt is where 
is the
 > feed back wire in the fuse box? Also where is/how do you get to the 
 > passenger footwell splice" location? [ ... ]

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