Prop shaft bearing #

Avi Meron avim at
Wed Dec 6 16:29:18 EST 2000

This should do it Phil

OK guys,
> I stopped by a local M-B dealer and matched up the bearing and the
> rubber cap against the M-B parts. Below are the long awaited part
> numbers:
> Both parts are from a 240D or 300D, chassis # 123:
> Bearing: 0039812325
* Rubber cap: 1234101081

Take care,

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of at
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 12:00 AM
To: quattro at; Audi-enthusiast at
Subject: Prop shaft carrier bearing - 1989 100 TQW MC-2

I'm feeling lazy - I just went out to get a steak and a bottle of port
for my supper, and Puff's carrier bearing is getting worse.  It started
squirreling on overrun about 2,000 miles back - the typical juddering
started a couple of weeks ago and it's just managed to bang the
exhaust up Derbyshire Lane in Sheffield.

Time for a swap.  Our dear friends at Audi insist I need a complete
new 1492mm propshaft (443 521 101B) at GBP850-odd plus fitting -
no change there, then.

To save me digging in the archives (and release my time for cooking
steak) does anyone have the BuMWiper or Mercedes part number for the
bearing to hand?  Or a suitable SKF/Timken stock number?

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone: 07785 302803   Fax: 07785 309674

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