Another rear brake caliper question....

Wallace White wallacewhite at
Wed Dec 6 19:18:01 EST 2000

Gerard -

I have heard, anecdotally, that the supplied grease isn't the greatest
stuff. I opted to use Super Lube, which I believe is a Permatex heavy
synthetic grease, but I don't yet know how it's held up...

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 167k

> > >443 698 470.
> > The rubber boot kit number?
> Yes, the boot kit number. I've had these lying around here at home for a
> heck of a long time. They came from TPC and are made by Lucas.
> Looks like I questioned too soon again 'cos when I got home and opened
> the little boxes they had small foil sachets inside with the appropriate
> grease in them. It's a thick vaseline kind of thing. The caliper seal
> kit also has a foil sachet of grease for use on the handbrake mechanism.
> Very good instructions in there too.

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