bfg winter slalom tires

The Quattro King quattroking at
Thu Dec 7 00:00:22 EST 2000

Todd said it all.  I agree with what Todd said.  Tires are WONDERFUL on snow
and ice.


Shayne P.

1972 MB 280 SEL
1984 4ksq
1987 4ks
1991 v8q5
1991 200q Sedan
1992 S4

Parting:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5

> From: Todd Phenneger <tquattroguy at>
> Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 22:21:18 -0800 (PST)
> To: Dan Simoes <dans at>, quattro at, Romeo Shayne Pavlich
> <bcpi at>
> Subject: Re: bfg winter slalom tires
> Shayne Pavlich has them on a v8 and 91' 200.
> Very squirmy but great in the snow and ice.  Probably as good
> as my Gislaveds on ice and snow.  But my Gislaveds are much
> better on Pavement. Great buy for the money, if you dont need a
> fun highway car and get lots of snow.
> Shayne can tell you more.
> l8r
> Todd
> --- Dan Simoes <dans at> wrote:
>> I know some people were asking about these, has anyone tried
>> them?
>> Local BJ's Wholesale Club (no jokes please) has them for $49
>> ea in
>> 185/65-14, and they are studdable.  What I don't like is that
>> the
>> sidewalls are very soft and I bet they will be very squirmy.
>> Anyone tried them recently?
>> Thanks.
>> | Dan |
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