Seized handbrake lever on rear caliper... at at
Thu Dec 7 09:20:38 EST 2000

>> It's a thing on the prop shaft that you zap every 10,000 miles.

> I do? OK, what other nipples (zerk fittings) need to be greased
> to properly maintain my Type 44 beast?

That's the only one.  Unfortunately all grease guns are different -
I have an especially small model because I don't always have much ground
clearance and I like to get the heatshield-equipped cars through the
(tiny) holes Team Doorhandle thoughtfully left in the heatshield.  The
record so far is 27 pumps of the handle (a 1982 WR ur-quattro) to the
first emergence, and another five pumps until all legs were full.

Keep pumping until clean grease emerges from all four arms of the UJ.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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