Are Nology worth it? at at
Thu Dec 7 15:14:18 EST 2000

> I fell for the "aftermarket performance" wire sales pitch once, and
> bought some highly recommended wires. A year later, my car barely
> ran when it was damp out and my gas mileage was down.

> After exhausting every other option (the wires were almost new and
> state of the art, it couldn't be them, right?), I borrowed a set of
> Bosch OEM wires. Worked like a charm.

> Since then, nothing but Bosch *ever* goes on any of my cars.

This has been my experience ever since I got serious about getting
Audis right.

I have literally lost count, possibly several times over, of the number
of instances where I've been approached for advice as to which chip to
buy, or which plug leads, or which other doo-dad, to 'improve
performance'.  My stock answer, for YEARS now, has been: "Let's get it
doing what it was designed to do, and then we'll see what else you
need done."  Once it's cleaned up, all interest in tweaking it just

Sometimes it's a hose, sometimes the wrong plugs, sometimes old injectors,
sometimes the wrong plugs/leads/caps, WoT switch, whatever.

The problem is that Audi engines, and the 10V I5s in particular, are
far too good at performing poorly without dramatic symptoms.

Hence I now have an almost rabid 'stock first' attitude.  Even the
real experts like Scott and Orin will always tell you - get it back
to stock first.

I lose loads of customers this way ...

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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