injector spray pattern

Ameer Antar ameer at
Thu Dec 7 13:32:06 EST 2000

bite the injectors are needed. Old injectors will have the 
same problems just a few k miles down the road. CIS injectors are different 
than pulsed injectors on most cars, they were meant to be replaced more they're $30-40 rather than $75-100 each. Cleaning can help, but 
you risk more damage than good. Also there's a little filter inside each 
injector that clogs up over time...not much you can do about that, esp. if 
it's loaded w/ varnish and such. Try and

tell them you are a lister and you get some discount. You'll be amazed at 
the difference new injectors make, and you'll prolly find them for less 
than you expect. good luck.


At 09:41 AM 12/7/2000 , you wrote:

>hi all..
>finally got the 4kq running alright last night after pulling
>injectors and observing a bad spray pattern on #4 & #5...
>so my question is.. i attempted to clean these up and afterward
>the spray pattern looked bad then i tapped them with a crescent
>wrench and low and behold i had what resembled a good spray
>pattern.. but after driving the car this morning it has started to develop a
>low range RPM stumble AGAIN.. i think i just need
>to give up and dish out the cash for new injectors...
>any other opinions? BTW.. my 02 sensor is disconnected @ the
>moment but the car ran smoother last night...
>These injectors have a quite a few miles on them..
>and who has the cheapest injectors around?
>'86 4kq
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