A4 engine whistle (not turbo)
briano_72 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 7 18:03:48 EST 2000
does that wobble feel nice at highway speeds ?? your
sure its not the turbo, the factory turbos suck,if not
poss. the p/s pump.
brian o'
--- Douglas Frank <frank at zk3.dec.com> wrote:
> Car is a '98 A4tqm.
> I sometimes hear a trilling whistle from the engine
> while passing
> through 3000-3200 RPM. It happens both accelerating
> up and
> coasting back down in gear. It almost, but not
> quite, goes away
> as the engine warms, and the affected RPM range
> narrows to 3100
> or so.
> Any ideas? (As I said, this happens only
> sometimes-- for
> instance, it didn't happen this morning, after a
> cold night).
> Oh, I had an, um, incident a year ago and there's a
> wobble in the
> engine-driven fan's viscous coupler, left over from
> having the
> rad pushed into the fan.
> thanks!
> --
> Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp. Lead, n. A
> metal, useful as
> ZKO 110 Spit Brook Rd. counterpoise
> to an argument
> 603-884-0501 Nashua, NH USA 03062 otherwise
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