Sport Q

Kwattro at Kwattro at
Fri Dec 8 08:17:08 EST 2000

In a message dated 00-12-08 05:18:28 EST, you write:

<< I don't have any parts.  Sport hoods are unobtainium, as far as I know.
 Dialynx produced a very good replica in fibreglass at one time, but I
 don't know if they have any left or plan any more.  +44 1793 772273.

Dialynx actually reproduces the hoods, flares and bumper covers in a 
carbon/kevlar/fiberglass mix, which is very similar to the origianal pieces.  
The only differences I found in examining the repros and the originas 
(because I just bought them) are the rear air intakes, which are slightly 
different, and the filler door.  Other than that, they look almost identicle 
(besides, of course, the windsheild/door combo).

Pretty reasonably priced, all in all.  There is another place that makes 
sport hoods - Ingolstadt Styling Garage, or something along that line?

Carter J
Kwattro at
1986 4000CS Quattro (now with "Ram Air")
1986 Coupe GT (soon to be GT SQ 20V)

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