oil gagues

The Quattro King quattroking at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 8 14:10:05 EST 2000

Oil guages sound fine to me.

Shayne P.

1972 MB 280 SEL
1984 4ksq
1987 4ks
1991 v8q5
1991 200q Sedan
1992 S4

Parting:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5

> From: Michael Dewar - Sun Scotland <Mike.Dewar at uk.sun.com>
> Reply-To: Michael Dewar - Sun Scotland <Mike.Dewar at uk.sun.com>
> Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 14:15:02 +0000 (GMT)
> To: quattro at audifans.com, tbliss at mestek.com
> Subject: Re: oil gagues
>> Ok, now that the V8 is up and running again, the oil gauges seem not
>> to be working.  The oil temp doesn't move, and the oil pressure stays at
>> 5.  When it warms up, and I put the car in neutral and let it idle, it
>> drops to around 3.5, but anything over 1500 rpm, and it's pegged at 5
>> again.  Both gauges worked fine before the tank replacement, and I can't
>> figure why anything he did on the car would affect it.  I don't know if
>> a fuse is used on these, or if I need to check the sensors.
> I would have said that this behaviour is normal. Taking the car on the
> highway may show a small movement on the oil temperature gauge - it
> takes a hard drive to get mine to move up.
>> Another weird thing is the ABS.  They work great, and when switched
>> off, the tires do lock up under stomp braking.  However, if I've been
>> braking hard, the petal violently serge's, I hear a noise that sounds
>> like crunching, and the car takes forever to stop.  It's never happened
>> under normal conditions, but after stomping on the brakes hard 3 or 4
>> times in a row with the ABS active.  This is my first car with ABS, so
>> I'm not sure if this is normal, or raises any flags to anyone.
> Possibly your fluid is boiling over or your pads are overheating. When
> was the brake fluid last changed ?
> Regards,
> Mike

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