2001 S4 Badges - No Good!

Paul Waterloo pwaterloo at compuserve.com
Fri Dec 8 16:36:31 EST 2000

Was at the dealer today, saw a few 2001 S4's. They don't have the stealthy
audisport badges anymore....now on the trunk they have the red background
like they use to with the audisport badge, and written to the left and over
it is "S4" in large letters. I don't like it.

On the grill they have a similar badge, and the quattro badge is not on the
front grille either (actually don't know if the S4's ever had one).

The new badges really detract compare to the old ones....
Paul Waterloo
Applied Energy Services
Phone 708-524-9464
Fax 708-524-0079
Voicemail/pager 888-962-7304
pwaterloo at compuserve.com

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