Rear suspension on an 86 100CS at at
Sat Dec 9 00:16:59 EST 2000

> However, a rather annoying problem has reared its head: the left rear
> suspension has developed a persistant, squirrelly squeaking whenever the car
> moves.  From poking around the audifans archives, I'm guessing that this is
> most likely a problem with the bushes.

> 1/ What will the bushes look like if worn?  They don't appear to have
> disintegrated, so I'm only assuming they're the problem.

It's hard to spot for the uninitiated - basically a small ring of the
inner rubber right close in to the inner bush looks polished.

> 2/ Is it, as I assume, a problem that should be fixed sooner rather than
> later, lest bad things happen?

Bad things are not going to happen, if it's the bush I think you're
talking about.  We call it the 'trailing arm' bush, although it
actually leads ...

The design is failsafe.

> 3/ How awkward/dangerous is it to monkey with the likely culprit; or to put
> it another way: I don't have a lot of experience poking at automotive
> mechanics, and I don't have a huge range of tools available.  Would it be
> safe/sensible/easy to block the rear of the car up, unbolt the problem area,
> replace the bush, bolt it on again, and drive off into the sunset?  Or
> should I get a real mechanic to do the job?

When I last tackled one, I remember meeting a problem that taxed my
ingenuity - I can't remember what it was.  The major problem is getting
the right bush for the car.  Call Roger Galvin on 07966 136714 - he'll
put you in touch with Pete Reeve, who can _definitely_ get the right
bush - he's been through the wars with us.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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