wet pants...

Tihol Tiholov ttiholov at rodeo.sd27.bc.ca
Fri Dec 8 15:35:57 EST 2000

At 5:36 PM -0500 12/8/00, Martin W. N. Suryadarma wrote:
>Yes. Here are some of the pics of the Golf:

That's one quattro Golf to d...do something for...
My pant are fine...just can't stop drooling.  On the last picture: 
Does it have 6 fuel filters or 3 pumps and 4 filters, or what?

BTW, to keep us on a light(er) subject in these dark winter days and MAC:

How do you pull out a headlight on the 90 Q ('88 Type 89).  That 
spinning black Sport Q gives me cheaper light conversion ideas.

Thanks all,						Tihol

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